Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fundraising Ireland's National Fundraising Conference 2012

Inspired by Howard Lake's usual collection of resources from UK fundraising events I decided here would be a good place to collect useful and interesting tweets, links, resources, etc. from Fundraising Ireland's National Fundraising Conference on 20th & 21st March 2012.

The hashtag for the conference is #finfc12 - follow live updates here.

Here are the Twitter pages of the Masterclass speakers:
Mike Johnston - @hjcnewmedia
Beate Sørum - @beatesorum
Damian O'Broin - @damianobroin
Aline Reed - @alinereed
Margaux Smith - @margauxs

And the rest of the speakers:
Tobin Aldrich - @tobinaldrich
Patrick Boggan -
Simon Burne -
Derval Costello -
Kevin Delaney - @kevmagic
Aíne Gibbons -
AJ Leon - @ajleon
Mark Pollock - @markpollock
Simon Scriver - @TotalFR
Chris Washington-Sare - @CWashingtonSare

And other people tweeting about the conference:

Here's a selection of Tweets:
 the truth goes a long way. Tell it all - the good, the bad, the complete story -@evthewolf 
 ' Sometimes best to go low tech, voice 2 voice, in real time ..it's called the telephone ' ;-)  - @patcarrolltouch 
How about writing a letter to people.. An actual letter.. Thats right.. A handwritten personal letter. Revolutionary.   - @neilirwin 
Never let your organisation get in the way of a great story -  - @damianobroin 
Very good point from Simon - flashy databases that aren't properly used make sloppy communication easy   - @qaoileann
  direct debit date flexibility vital, we should be asking people when they get paid and set dd as close as possible - @ask_direct 
  being a donor can be a lonely experience without any sense of being part of a community - @ask_direct
85% of session attendees have recieved legacy gifts in their orgs but only 25% have an actual legacy programme!!  - @mylegacy_ie
Time and time again its the story making social media fundraising work. But social media that lets people hear it, see it, feel it. - @neilirwin 
Are geeks an untapped seam of fundraising gold?   - @neilirwin
Do u have control of who receives what-where? Dont lump the digital donor in with ur other donors.Identify why they donated & how! - @jennydouglas2
Digital fundraising not working because we are forgetting to prioritise, to ask, to analyse - - @OrlaithFoley
need to prompt people and give them reasons to share on social media.. Not just a little 'f' on your website - @neilirwin
3 second delay in loading a website will cause over 50% of consumers to click away - @timodea
Looking forward to in Dublin on weds , great bunch of speakers there. And me too, I'm afraid - @tobinaldrich
"finance + sales are the 2 most evil industries... But put them together +you get fundraising!" - Simon scriver   - @qaoileann 
Did my "do I have everything"-routine. Did not have everything. Returned for power adapter. Now en route to  again. - @BeateSorum
As an aside, amazed that so many people in the room never heard of Kickstarter. Or didn't admit to it:)  - @qaoileann 
Between AJ Leon and Simon from , the geek chic quotient is high so far at  - @qaoileann
I'll be following you from a grey-skied vantage point in Cork - @omaniblog

Speaker Presentations

[None yet...got pics?]

1 comment:

  1. Marta Erdman needs your help today! Dmitry Recovery Fund. - Dmitry was attacked by 3 persons. As of now he has open femur fracture and teared muscles, fractured skull, back, ribs, hand and also leg. Partly lost vision on one eye. We where on the back seat, when suddenly the car, that was driving in a wrong direction, crashed into us. Dmitry stepped out
